Sunday, May 16, 2010

Growth spurt

For the past two days Haydin's seizures have been getting a lot worse and he's been sleeping like crazy, yay growth spurt. Now all of his medications are thrown off and were back to the guessing game of how much we need to increase the medication to stabilize his seizures. Other that that Haydin has been very vocal especially when we went to Bob Evan's the other day and he was trying to talk louder than the little kids behind us. We also figured out that Haydin likes to sing along to Lady Gaga since they pretty much speak the same language. This week we have p.t on Monday then on Tuesday we go and get a mold of his upper body for his support vest and were hopefully looking into getting him a therapy pool with the neck floaty, hopefully it will help him a lot. But were off to bed, lots of hugs and Haydin kisses :D

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